Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Police Gear

I know the job of a police officer is very tough in all the day of life they take various dangerous steps to stop any activity which are harmful to the society for e.g. Crime. So relating to that, they need uniforms and equipment that can provide better protection for them, as well as help makes their jobs more efficient against crime. offers that type of clothing and gear for them. Offering their very own 511 Tactical line, the website offers everything from shirts and jackets to and shorts, to 5.11 Tactical Pants watches and tactical gloves.

Lex LED Illuminates Your Bike Wheels With Custom Messages

If you are one of those people who gets off on riding their bike to work while everyone else sits in traffic, you will love this Lex LED attachment. Why? Because, if you have Windows XP, 2000, or Vista you can type in a personalized message in English, Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji using the included software and then transfer the message to the Lex via USB. Imagine all of the fun you can have riding along the traffic with the words "suck it" flashing on your bike spokes. Warning: may result in road rage related injury.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

World First GPS Mouse

When thinking about what devices would work well together such as an MP3 player and phone, you probably wouldn’t think of putting a GPS receiver in a mouse. This is what Deluo have done and created what is possibly the worlds first GPS mouse (I have yet to confirm that). Adding a GPS to a mouse seems a little odd, but at the same time it could work well for people who regularly carry a laptop around and need to quickly check where in the world they are. The GPS receiver can track on 16 channels and the mouse has a retractable USB cord allowing you to keep the cables neat when traveling. Power to the GPS mouse is provided by USB so that no batteries are required.

The DeluoGPS Mouse costs $94.34 currently

Magic Loans

Whenever I visit any finace website relating to my financial needs like banks or any other financial intuitions I was confused there because of congested & confusing interface so my time was really waste in that for availing any online service on website but today I was very happy because I found Magic Loans website its very easy on the eyes and easy to navigate and therefore easy and quick to find what you need to know. This website is fulfills your financials needs specially loans, Many of you knows that i am web developer but you don’t know that im also an financial expert on an big financing website, so as my experience in finance I say this website is good for those people who wants their own dream home through there Home Loans service. Their homeowner loans are available for any use, including debt consolidation (credit cards, bill, etc.) or to finance something special. Most important of all, they provide secured potential homeowner loans of between 5,000 pound and 250,000 pound for any purpose, allowing for repayment from 3 and up to 30 years. If unsure, they have loan and budget calculators for your use at the website. Settle lots of your problems that way. Check them out if you are considering taking a loan.

3's Skype/Cellphone Phone Launches in UK

The Skype/Cellphone we've been keeping our eye on has just launched under provider 3 in the UK. It looks quite similar to Netgear's old Skype phones, but of course has standard cellphone calling as well as Skyping capabilities. It's cool because Skype to Skype is free, but SkypeOut and SkypeIn—which uses the Skype network for cheaper calls to regular numbers—is disabled.

Videos For Life

If you want to preserve memories, make them last
So that from time to time you can think of the past
A video camera, then, is just the thing for you
It will bring it all back with a laugh, maybe a tear or two

A Panasonic palm cam will do the trick
And there are several from which you could take a pick
And I think the Panasonic PV-GS320
Will take you as far as you want to go

I use my own video camera all of the time
It helps me remember when I was in my prime
(Not to say that is so very far in the past
But you know how it is -- those days just don't last)

Monday, October 29, 2007


Mortgage market are becomes very competitive nowadays because every bank provides various offers in the market to compete with other rivals bank, so relating to that intrest rates charges are getting lower & lower to certain extend. We as consumers should always review our mortgage. We should shift to other provider if that will save us money by paying less interest. That's what we call Remortgages UK

By all means, I prefer interest paid by daily rest. Thus, I am thinking of remortgage my house and it would be best to get such offer. However, I still have to calculate properly weather it's worth in overall. In fact, we certainly have to be very careful with all the terms and conditions. Sometimes, we have to pay great sums of penalty if we accept other offers within a limited time frame. As for my case, I suppose to stick to my current mortgage for 6 years to avoid penalty.

Anyway, I heard that nowadays there is some bank willing to absorb the penalty for us if we take their offer. To me, that's great news!

Hoverwing - A Flying Hovercraft

A cool hovercraft named the hoverwing has been created by a bloke named Rudy Heeman in New Zealand. This hoverwing is a hovercraft with wings attached which allow it to fly over 6 feed above the water. It takes off at top speed which is 60MPH. It has taken a long time to perfect and looks quite fun to fly although in the making he was injured although this didn’t stop Rudy from continuing on. There is space for 1 passenger. Would you fly with Rusy on the hoverwing?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Find Best Furnitures

The beauty of your living place is totally depends on good furniture, but this interior beauty is mainly depend on your choice of colors, style etc & choosing the right one is very difficult task I know very well specially in the case of bedroom or drawing hall or office a hasty decision should not be taken while choosing the furniture. You can't buy sleep but you can buy a bed which will give you the great pleasure. Always we should choose the bed which will give you the maximum comfort and also good utility value. You can get a Storage beds to put your pillows and other stuff inside and thereby you can save a lot of space. This way you can also keep your pillows and sheets in an organized manner.

I was really amazed on looking at the website of Furniture from home. It was not just a shopping place but also a place filled with fun. Not to leave aside the great collection of goods available there. The most favorite place for many people is the dining room! It is very important that we put up some decent Dining room Furniture so that they provide good level of comfort. The dining Furniture should provide a soothing atmosphere and should be inviting. You can't buy sleep but you can buy a bed which will give you the great pleasure. The bar should also have good seating arrangements and like the tall bar stools. I also liked this big tv entertainment center and it would be a great addition to the living room.

Samsung Bendable OLED Screen

This OLED screen comes from Samsung and measures 4.3 inches. The cool thing about the screen is that it’s bendable. It has a 480 x 272 resolution. This is not the first bendable screen, but we are glad to see another company starting to create them. It wont be long now till roll up screens are common place.

Chapman House Inc.

The World is right now being left in utmost tatters because of one dreadful disease and that is none other than drugs. Now, I am not talking about the normal drugs that you use as medicine to get yourself back to work, but, in fact I am talking about the drugs that is right now being used by people, especially students for the sheer pleasure. This may be a pleasure but it is actually a big suffering in disguise. I still wonder why people dont listen to various advices given by many great ones that drug consuming is harmful and may lead to severe brain related diseases and eventually even death sometimes. Its high time that people get to know more about the havoc caused by drugs. First of all, it causes Drug addiction. Being addicted to anything is dangerous. In fact, if people ask me, I would say that you should not even be addicted to your wife or your girlfriend. Because addiction takes the complete self present in you and leaves you with null. So, there are many drug rehabiliation programmes happening and one of them is the chapman house. Here, you can get yourself or the person addicted to drug, treated for both drug and alchohol addictions. You are counselled in such a way that you get to come out of this in due course of time. One of the best way to bring an addict is through Family intervention which is a technique followed here where in a Chapman House Family Interventionist can be used for people engaged in any self-destructive behavior. next, there are also many methods like using a detox process to help the person come out. There is also an adult program where the persons who are self destructive are treated well and ensured an emotional success in life. In addition to this, there are also drug tests and addiction tests done here and so, this makes chapman house one of the best places for drug rehabiliation.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Envision G2016wa Display Introduced

Today, Envision Peripherals launched its range of G2016wa 20-inch monitor. The new display features Windows Vista Premium’s Sidebar and Aero Flip and enables easier viewing and navigating between multiple programs and applications.

The new monitor is well equipped with a HDCP compatible DVI-D input, allowing it to work with Cable, Satellite and other Set Top Boxes to accommodate a variety of multimedia options, including the ability to display High Definition (HD 720p/1080i). Also it comes along with built-in stereo speakers.

Some of the other features of the G2016wa 20-inch monitor are: 1680X1050 native resolution, dynamic contrast ratio of 3000:1 and ultra-fast 5ms response time. The Dynamic Color Boost (DCB) possesses five options for the natural color reproduction, and Eco Mode that enables users to regulate power consumption with a choice of Text, Internet, Game, Movie and Sports settings.

Envision’s G2016wa monitor will be available in the US market at the approximate price of $239.99

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Gun Computer Mouse

“The G-Mouse is the ultimate gadget for all those who want to add a little fun to their boring office life. You can play your favorite games, surf the net or use all your office applications with the G-Mouse computer gun shaped mouse.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hitachi World's Thinnest LCDs

Standing at 35mm thick, Hitachi's Wooo UT series of LCDs earns them the accolade of world's thinnest production LCD television manufacturer. Three sizes will be made available, either 42" (¥430 000, $3,760) or 37" (¥330 000, $2886) at 1080p and a smaller 32" (¥230 000, $2011) model with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels.

The Woo part of the product name is in fact an accompanying external tuner, which has been separated from the televisions to shave off a few inches. The digital tuner houses 3 x HDMI inputs, SD/MMC slot, iVDR recorder and an Ethernet port. The televisions will all have 2 x 6W speakers, 1 x HDMI/1 x D-sub inputs and an impressive 178degree viewing angle. An optional UWB hub will allow for streaming with a 9m range and will cost an additional ¥90 000 ($786).

Monday, October 22, 2007

Static Electricity Powered Light Bulb

This light bulb is powered by static electricity. To light it up you just hold it and slide your feet on the floor. The static electricity created will power the bulb and give out light. Although not practical due to the low amount of light it can generate, it would make for a good experiment in static electricity for kids.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Drug Rehab Referral Service


I’ve been going on and on for a few months now in all of my blogs about drug rehabilitation and how important of a subject it is to me. I’ve mentioned many times that DH was a drug addict when I met him, and one of our dear friends is unfortunately still a junkie. You may ask yourself, if she’s so big on drug rehab, why is the friend still a junkie? His problem could have been solved years ago if he’d found the right program, but unfortunately, he didn’t know about a lot of the good Intervention programs out there, so he tried to check himself into a local rehab center. When he arrived there and told them he was a meth addict, the little local redneck shelter told him they only helped crack and heroine addicts. They said meth wasn’t a dangerous enough drug! That’s preposterous! Meth is one of the largest drug epidemics in the US right now, and it has taken the south by storm. They instead sent him to a detox facility for mostly alcoholics and marijuana addicts. Within 7 days they turned him back onto the street where he of course picked his habit back up within a matter of weeks.

Had he had the resources to find a good clinic, this wouldn’t have happened and he would most likely be sober today. There are good resources out there, and I’m saving you the hassle of hunting them down for yourself. is a great web source. They can refer you or your loved ones to a rehab center that will meet your exact needs so you don’t end up at a place that says they can’t help you. There is also tons of useful info on different drugs and how they work.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Light Slippers

I always laugh every time you remember yourself walking through your house in the middle of the night. Tripping over objects or over your lovely dog pet, running into doors, furniture or anything not easily seen in the dark this is what a night trip all about.

What you need is the lighted slippers! This unbelievable gadget is ideal for night time trips to the bathroom, kitchen, kid’s room or even your garage. You can these slippers to locate candles, flashing lights or anything that can produce light.

The LED alert light sensor of it comes on only in darkened conditions. Two replaceable lithium batteries are included in each slipper. Also, the LED alert is activated by weight sensor, and each of LEDs is angled upward for protection of light, and will easily illuminate an area of 25 feet in front of you. Even when you take them off, they won’t switch off at that moment but will allow you see your way safely back to bed for some time.

Mortgage Help

We know that’s in mortgage world many news of about unfortunate instances are shown every day. Some days before I read an report in an magazine that “Another increase in mortgage rates would be yet another blow to the UK’s 17 million mortgage customers, who have seen the Bank of England’s base rate move from 4.5% last August to its current rate of 5.75%. Although the Bank left the rate unchanged last week experts fear that the stock market upheaval of the past month will cause nervous banks who are under pressure from the chaos to push up mortgage rates again”

This is unfortunate and what makes it so is the fact that a great many foreclosures could have been avoided had the borrower simply refinanced the mortgage to as to rework the financial situation to one that was more appropriate. Yes, there are cheap mortgages available that many people are not familiar about and this is why examining and the mortgages it offers so as to avoid problems that may occur with selecting a high interest mortgage.
Remortgage loans are available if you need them.

Sun Jar

Have you ever dreamed to touch and hold the sun in your own hands? Even this weird dream can come true with the spectacular gadget designed by Tobias Wong the "Sun Jar".

It looks absolutely as a jam jar but the secret is inside. The sun effect can be obtained by sitting the jar on the windowsill during the day time. When it gets dark the sun from the jar automatically turns itself on and glows with the day’s sunshine.


• Powered by the sun, glows orange.
• On/off switch - auto light-sensitive.
• Requires sunshine and a solar cell battery (included).
• Size: 16 x 10 x 10cm.


Insurance is an important tool for a person’s financial well-being at this present time. You will never know when you might lose the ability to work and find income for the family. It’s even worst when your kids are still young and you need to be at your financial best in order to support them. What if you die suddenly? Death is certain but the time of death isn’t, so it’s sensible to equip yourself with life insurance and home insurance. Protecting the family’s financial well-being should be prioritized. Oh by the way, if you have the time, you can compare car insurance to see which Car insurance policy is going to benefit your automobile.

Nokia E61i Review

TechLives owner recently purchased a Nokia E61i after several days of hunting around for the perfect phone. In summery the phone does real well. It’s slim, has a plethora of connectivity including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The keypad is QWERTY which can handle easily around 25 WPM. The screen is 2.8 inch and it has a 2 mega pixel camera. It runs on the Symbian OS 9.1 S60 3rd Edition and includes office apps such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Overall techlivez is happy with the E61i and mentions it is a good step between a phone and Pocket PC.

Internet Marketing Blog

There are a ton of internet marketing blogs out there (including this one), but few out there really have relevant, up to date, useful information to use. No one wants to read the same thing a hundred times over on different sites, nor does anyone want to waste their time looking for the best place to find the information.

Recently, I stumbled across a blog that has some of the best internet marketing news out there. The site is called and has quite a bit of useful info to use. The site specializes in SEO, ANALYTICS, and LEAD MANAGEMENT! Which is hard to come by these days.

Frequent updates and discussion of topics that you want to hear about makes AllInAnchor the place to be for the latest news.

So for any online marketers out there who are trying to get ahead in the game, remember to check them out!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Flying Alarm Clock

Don't listen when they say that an apple wakes you up better than a cup of tea. Flying Alarm Clock will wake you up much faster and more effective. It will make your waking up fun, too.

When this alarm starts up, you must get your butt out of the bed. First your sleepy head will have to find it, and then catch it before it smashes your room flowers, lamps, books, and then turn it off.

Be aware because if you like to sleep with your window open, you may find yourself running in your underwear, catching the crazy alarm “bug”.

If it doesn’t manage to turn your room upside down, than this little propeller may rudely massage your body, so you will fill its mission. It won’t leave you unconscious, but a slight eye injure is possible, but at least you will be awake in the most effective way.

Worlds Smallest Handgun

Here we have a fully working mini handgun which claims to be the worlds smallest. I can believe it too. It is just 2.16 inches and shoots bullets which are 0.35.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The breath of night with Laser Stars

If you are a realistic person who doesn't believe in wonders, you just should see this gadget with your own eyes. It is something indescribable! Have you ever wished to get a star or to touch it? Have you ever wished to reach the stars in the true sense of this word? Universe in your room! What can be more splendid not only for romantic natures?

The Laser Stars projector is the device, which is able to fill any space with stars and mysterious clouds. It is an unbelievable performance of animated stars and colored clouds! More than that, it can be presented the occasional shooting star that will strike anyone.
The secret of the gadget is that stars are the result of powerful green laser and holographic technology.

I would like to mention that the Laser Stars projector is absolutely adjustable and doesn't require any set up.

Haven't you changed your mind apropos of wonders yet?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Zuse Toaster

Mornings become sweeter as never ever before with an extraordinary gadget Zuse Toaster that prints desirable Love messages directly on your toasters.

It was elaborated basing on early matrix printer principle and transfers 12*12 pixels images onto toasts .You will not even have to compose your message because the machine stores a number of black and colored pictures for everyone’s choice.

With this toaster your love life will become more divers because there is nothing cuter than attention from your soul mate.

Even your kids won’t forget to eat their morning breakfast and won’t live their snack packs at home, if there is a toast with the printed message “EAT ME”.

Zeus Toaster was made basing on the most important human instincts – the one of getting fed and need to feel taken care of.

For our modern world, where words begin meaning nothing, this innovated gadget will keep non-verbal emotions alive. It’s a nice thing to have in today's busy world.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hands Free Bluetooth Pillow

How awful it is when in the very early morning or in the middle of the night your sweetest dream is being ruined by a call to your mobile? Plus you have no ideas under what blanket to start looking for it and in which room exactly.

From now on a great gadget will make you leave it all behind. This amazing gadget is the Hands Free Bluetooth Pillow.

You must be thinking what a geekiest place to stick a Bluetooth device in. But on the other hand how convenient it is to push the button on your pillow in order to hear the voice of your sweet lover, crazy friend or annoying boss.

The only advice is to keep your pillow somewhere near. For sure this pillow will become your best buddy, and you won’t be able to imagine your life without one. This gadget is a real discover for your Sleepy Head.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Casio Blogging Camera

Bloggers, or vloggers (video bloggers) now have a camera to choose from which has Youtube features built in. The Casio Exilim EX-V8 has a setting to optimise your videos for Youtube at just the right resolution. Uploading is simple with the YouTube up loader which you run and will automatically upload the videos you have made. It is a nice small addition to the excellent Exilim range of cameras and I am sure will be welcomed by those who utilise YouTube for their vlogging activities.

On the technical side, the V8 has a 7x optical zoom lens and the camera has some nice features such as anti shake and face detection technology. For those wanting a quick way of taking pictures with anti shake in youtube format then this is well worth checking out.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bad Credit Offers

If you've got bad credit the most important thing you need to do is get rid of it. To turn a bad credit record into a god one. Otherwise, you'll find that you're barred from all sorts of things: it's not just credit card offers, or mortgages. You can also find landlords refusing to rent to you, even some employers refusing to hire you. So why not check out this website: Bad Credit Offers.They're set up to give you all the information you need to turn bad into good credit. Auto loans, credit reports, home loans, it's all there. Check it out.Because if you've got bad credit you can't take part in the great American Dream.

Windscreen Wiper Mirror Clears Your Post-Shower Views

Clearly designed after a five-hour hot shower trying to recover from a night of tapas and drinking spanish wine, this windscreen wiper mirror will eliminate the steam from the glass and make it clear enough to see the effects of your hangover. Retro style, absurd, almost surrealist and absolutely irresistible. Too bad it's just a concept "Made in Spain" by Barcelona design group Causas Externas.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hotel Reservations

To plan a holiday in some good place don't worry about it, its quite simple if you use Hotel Reservations is the place where you can book your next holiday because they have a network world wide of great hotels, motels, resorts and also save up to 70% (They also guarantee that they have lower internet rates). From flights to hotels, cars, vacation rentals and vacation packages - it caters for all your travel needs and requirements.
Undecided where to go? Don’t worry - with the help of their destination guides, available on their Hotel Reservations website, you can decide where to go, and also plan your trip by getting to know more about your destination. They offer recommendations on attractions, restaurants, must-see places and other useful tips for the holidaymaker.
Do you prefer to be independent while abroad? Then it would be a good idea to rent a car and explore the place by yourself. This allows you to be more flexible as to where you visit. They offer various types of cars to rent from a number of well known rental agencies.
They also offer a search facility, known as Road Trips, where you can search for cities close to where you are.
And if you want to combine bookings and opt for vacation packages (such as flight + hotel, flight + hotel + car, hotel + car and flight + car) you can avail yourself of further discounts.
With so many options, you’re spoilt for choice. And the best thing of it all is that you can have all this at competitive rates, up to 70% off! By booking through their website, you would be saving money, which you can then spend during your holiday to spoil yourself or your loved ones.You can use your credit card and the prices go with the lowest Internet rate price guarantee. So, be smart and plan to book your vacation to get out of your home office for a while to relax. It’ll do you a world of good.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Nike+ Amp iPod Watch

The Nike+ Amp is a watch from Nike which you use with your Nike+ iPod running kit. The watch allows you to get instant progress on your running distance, time, speed or calories burned.

It also works as a regular watch, with a durable polyurethane strap and LED’s whch tell the time in regular mode or display the iPod Nano’s controls when being used in Nike+ mode.

The watch is reasonably priced too at $80, which I think is good since it can be used as a regular watch too! It’s currently only available in USA, but hopefully it’ll be released in Europe soon.

Repurpose Blank CDs For Better Lumbar Support

Blank CD's are on their way out as a day to day storage medium, and by the looks of things they don't make for a very comfortable chair either. The inexplicably titled "Panda Chair" was designed by Belen Hermosa using hundreds of disks lined in rows. It may be uncomfortable, but I suppose lying on a bed of flash drives wouldn't be so hot either.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Construction Machine Cutlery

This cool set includes a “fork lift” fork, “front loader” spoon, and “bulldozer” pusher. All three function equally well as eating utensils and construction toys. Textured, easy grip handles and detailing allow little hands to hold on tight. The fork and spoon are each 5-3/4 inches long by one inch wide. The pusher is 4-1/4 inches long and one inch wide.

Narconon Stone Hawk Addiction Treatment

Stone Hawk claims to know all about addictions because almost everyone who works there was once an addict because Drug addiction, and even alcohol addiction / alcoholism, is not only a serious health condition, but also a society problem. If you are into drugs or alcohol you won't be able to function well as a responsible citizen.. Their drug rehabilitation centre is located in Michigan, in its own private grounds, that front its enormous private lake.

Their rehabilitation programme, called Narconon, was developed by William Benitez, a man much influenced by the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Scientology Cult. Benitez felt that it was more useful to identify people's strengths rather than their weaknesses, and that this would help them overcome their addictions. The programme has a strong educational element within it, and concentrates on teaching people the skills necessary to lead a drug-free life.

A person taking the drug treatment program can spend anything from 28 days at the centre to up to a full year; it all depends on their needs. The course begins with the detoxification process &
they also uses Methadone drug rehab treatment but many of us from you thinks what is “Methadone”; Methadone is a medication that is considered to be a safe and well-tested treatment for narcotic withdrawal and dependence. For over thirty years, Methadone has been used to treat opioid addiction. Methadone permits addicts to change their behavior and to discontinue heroin use.. Instead, they use a combination of proper nutrition and nutritional supplements, exercise, a sauna detox program, and social awareness.
. This involves the sauna, regular exercise and vitamin supplements. When this has been completed, the educational process can begin. Obviously, each person is different, so putting a more exact time-scale to the treatment needed is not possible.

Now that you know about Stone Hawk, its location and origins, you can make a decision for yourself. The centre is ready to answer your questions, and even runs a blog where you can leave comments.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Cellit Mobile Marketing Service

Mobile marketing and text messaging and all of that kind of stuff is a big big thing now a days. They have those new cell phones out there with keyboards in them and people are text messaging all over the place. Some people say they feel naked without there cell phones and if they were to find themselves without it they say they wouldn't be able to function.Take the example of mobile marketing through text messaging in the form of sms text to your targeted community of niche prospects. The most important thing for today's advertisers and marketers to realize is the fact that with all the media options available in front of time, they SHOULD locate the media that has the most efficient ROI for their promo campaigns.Cellit Mobile Marketing is a leading player in the field with a wide range of range of customers. Cellit has got some of the privileged multinational corporations and other small business in it's client list. Reaching the targeted customers through their mobile phones is a great way and there was very little scope foe such things in the past. Text Messaging has become one of the fastest and the easiest ways of communication and it will be a very wise move if the companies use the text messaging medium in a optimal way. Cellit has a number of web tools which will help the businesses to use voice , wap and text messaging for their mobile campaigns.Cellit also has two other sister website which will be of great help for the business marketers. House4Cell is a very well acclaimed service for providing property information. Many of the leading Real estate magazines have remarked House4cell as the future of real estate. CouponZap is an excellent mobile marketing solution for large and small businesses. It is a very affordable and effective methods of conducting polls, message blasts and many more.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Apple MacBook Pro in Gold

We have seen several glittering jeweled gadgets such as LG Prada in Gold, iPod Shiffle wrapped in diamonds and Philips and Swarovski gadgets. But there is something new this time. A company called Computer Chopper has made a whole laptop in gold.

The manufacturer, customizing gadgets is offering Gold Macbook Pro. The laptop is draped in 24kt gold and diamonds, while Apple’s logo is encrusted in diamonds.

Not only is the outer look studded with all this but even the LCD screen and every other part of the MacBook Pro body is covered in gold. Hats off to the team of Computer Chopper for creating such an amazing notebook!

Well but who will buy such an expensive notebook. A device draped in gold and diamonds can’t be affordable to most. All the same, there’s no word about the exact pricing from manufacturer.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Real Estate Mobile Technology service

As we know that without technology we don’t do anything this thing apply on both individual life and business life, but this phenomena is more important in business. if you have a business, big or small one, the most important is to be near to your clients or possible clients. And if you find a way, in this case a company that can put together these two ideas with the help of technology through mobile marketing. Many of you knows this company name already because they are world leader in mobile marketing called “CELLIT MOBILE”.
In more clear terms I would define it, Cellit Mobile Marketing is a mobile marketing service for large and small businesses. Cellit helps business owners discover the power of mobile marketing to promote their business or products/services. Cellit’s services include House4Cell, their text-for-info real estate service, and CouponZap, their mobile campaign service system. House4Cell works by allowing real estate agents to send offers to homebuyers via SMS, and the interested home-buyer can then text a 1-word code that they’re given to a specific phone number and receive up to two pages of information on that home. This Real Estate Text Messaging Solution service can greatly assist people who wish to sell their home, because it expands their options to the mobile market. House4Cell’s key features are as follows:
Property Photos allow for the sending of photos along with information about the home to the interested home-buyer’s cell phone, provided the cell phone supports this feature.
Click-to-Call allows home-buyers with specific phones to simply click the link given with the information to instantly get in touch with a real estate agent.
Fax and E-Mail Brochures allows home-buyers who need more information on the house to request brochures via fax or e-mail.
Property Mapping allows for a detailed mapping of the house that can be easily accessed via a mobile phone.
Follow-Up “Blast” Alerts allow customers to send follow-up text messages to the dedicated home-buyers.
CouponZap expands the mobile marketing opportunities to whatever a customer can dream up. CouponZap can allow users to create advertisements, or mobile coupons, that others can access when they use their mobile Internet, or receive SMS messages. CouponZap’s key features are as follows:
Text-to-Vote allows you to create polls that others can vote in by sending a text message to a specific number.
Text-to-Win allows you to create mobile contests and competitions that you can monitor and control.
Text-for-Info lets people send you a text message to receive more information about your products or services.
Alerts allow people to receive special updates about your upcoming products, special discounts, etc.
Customized Appointment Reminders let you send special reminders to customers about upcoming appointments.
Coupons allow you to create coupons that are accessible to customers to allow them to get special deals and offers on your products or services.If you want to expand your business with the help of today’s technology you definitely go withCellit’s Mobile Marketing Service and giving boost to their business in some different manner through mobile market.

Heartbeat Indicator Mouse

Heartbeat Indicator Mouse is designed by Kwok Lau. It is not a mouse only but also is an indicator to monitor your heart beat rate when you are using it. No word yet on if this concept is going into the production.

When the user grasps it, his or her thumb and palm will touch on its sensors which are inside the mouse and it starts to detect the user’s health situation. For the users who needs special care about their health situation, it will send the information to hospital or their caregivers cell phones through the network by PC on a regular time schedule

Great Offers & Coupons At Coupon Chief

Now the month of October is going-on and when this month ends with -er, that means it’s holiday seasons already. First off is Halloween, then Thanksgiving, pretty soon Christmas is here. That means it is time to do a lot of shopping but I begin to panic about money. There is one site that can help ease some of the pain of buying those expensive holiday gifts. Coupon Chief offers coupon codes for many major retailers. I could shop for everyone on my list just by using their codes. My brother would love his own computer from Dell so i want to buy new laptop for my bro using Dell Coupons. I could even buy Wesley and Lani some toys at Target. Of course, with the I can't forget about my self! I would love to get that new camera from Best Buy with the help of best buy coupons I could go on and on, but I will let you head on over and check the coupons out for yourself on Each coupon even has an option to email your friends and share the love.

CD Player Shoe

This concept CD player is different to others that you see. It is a running show with a built in CD player, speaker and controls. From looking at the picture it also seems that the designer intends that you wear this too. Serious skip protection will be needed should they go ahead with building a CD based model. I am thinking a flash memory based MP3 player could do the trick a lot better.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Drug Referral Service at

Being addicted to drugs is an ultimate struggle that should be fought with everyday. For those who want to recover from drug addiction, there are many existing treatment options. Individuals who feel their drug addiction has affected their standard of living such as their family, friends, or work will help significantly from inpatient drug treatment and long term addiction treatment.

These treatments are performed at drug rehab programs that allow the patient to get help in a way that works for them. Some of these different programs include inpatient, outpatient, and short-stay options.

A rehab program should offer an option that they believe would give a person the best chance to recover from their drug addiction. These programs are sometimes medical institutions and sometimes they are more faith-based places that try to heal a person without medicine. Both of these types of rehab programs have their strengths, but the medical facilities are usually more restrictive and can sometimes be harder on the individual. Rehab programs will also usually offer some type of continuing care for their patients, because drug addiction is not something that can be fixed immediately.

However, with numerous drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers worldwide, you might find it quite difficult to choose which rehabilitation center could give the best possible drug addiction referral service for such cases.

You can find effective drug rehab program at

Offering effective drug addiction referral service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, is a free, non-profit portal for finding a long or short-term drug rehabilitation program that is right for your particular needs. Their goal is to achieve relationships with drug rehab program providers to place in drug rehabilitation treatment those individuals suffering from drug addiction and drug abuse related issue.

At, you can place your loved one in the drug rehab center most appropriate for them at no charge.

Capsuli Emergency Solar-Charged LED Lights

Park these Capsuli rechargeable LED emergency lights on their miniature solar-powered charging station, and when havoc strikes and all the lights go out, you can pass these around to all the occupants of your darkened abode. A quick twist turns on the LED inside, giving you just enough light to keep from stumbling all over yourself. When you're not using them, they look kind of pretty in their little parking lot that might be a decorative addition to an empty windowsill.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Change Look of your Garage

Sometimes we are not in the position to park the car inside the garage because of lots of stuff. What we need is a better way to store the things that we have. I know that having better storage and shelving would help. My Brother changes oil in the cars and also uses his power tools in the garage. Right now we have only two bikes hanging from the ceiling, sometimes it is more. Many garages are in need of help just like mine. I was very exciting to find just what I have needed at You will be amazed at the 1,000 plus products they have for your garage. Check them out today.

360 Desktop

360 Desktop is a program which extends your Windows desktop beyond the limits of the screen. It allows for an almost unlimited sized desktop which allows for more room to spread out your work. Images can be used for the backdrop to allow for more of a panoramic effect which from the video demonstration, does look quite cool. To try and imagine how it works, just think of a big circle which your screen has access to a part of. Rotate it around to see various other parts. This is one tool to look out for.

Do It Yourself Logo Design

If you have been searching for a do it yourself logo design your search is over! There is a site called Logoyes where you can do just that. At Logoyes you can create your own logo design using their patent-pending process. I like the idea of being able to design a logo myself because I really do consider myself creative and I am not sure someone else could capture what I am trying to relate. And another great thing about Logoyes is that it is a true try-before-you-buy service. If you don’t like what you created, you pay nothing. But don’t start thinking that you need to be a graphic designer to do this. Regardless of your experience you can create a truly professional logo. The Inventor created this system after years of creating fortune 500 logos in his own design firm. He got this idea and applied for the patent in 2003. His quest was to empower people to create their own logo for an economical price. When you buy what you create, you receive EPS vector files that you can alter anyway you want. It is a truly unique service and I find it extremely freeing, inspiring and professional. Check it out and design your own logo today.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ex-Time Projector Watch

Do none of your friends carry watches? Do random people come up to you on the street and ask you the time? With this Ex-Time Projector watch design by Rong Yong, not only can you read the time yourself and relay it to them, you can project that mofo onto your arm so they can read it for themselves. It's not just skin o'clock, it's 4:20.

Free Dating Advice

If you are new in the field of dating then you need some free dating advice. There are a lot of free dating advices available online.

Dating is comparatively a new concept. The olden dates witnessed several different relationships between girl and boy. Matured Boy and girl meet get friends and start live together. There are different variations find in this relationships. The modern world accepted the concept of dating between boys and girls.

The concept of Dating is established in Europe, Australia and America. In these places the community established certain rules and trends in the dating concepts. But in Asia the dating is not so popular. For example in Japan kissing a girl in the first date is not common. In India the dating concept is in the primary stage only. Arranged marriages are very common here and dating you can find only in few metros.

As dating is becoming a socially accepted relation, there are several problems we have to face. There are a lot of youngsters fail to grab suitable dates for them. This may force them to negative thoughts and depression. Again there are many attitudes, behaviors that influence the relations. You can find a lot of dating advice resources from internet. This sponsored blog talk about a site for young man to find help in finding appropriate dates. talks about interesting topics about Dating advices like How to Build Your Confidence with Women, How to Attract Women, How to Get a Girlfriend, How to Meet Women etc. Yes being professionals can help you a lot in all these aspects of dating. Dating helps are much needed information about common problems faced by young man in finding a proper date, or female companion. Dating Site is full of dating advice related articles on dating, you can read latest information related to dating from here, dating research results are available for you and you can sign up for the latest dating tips news letter. Dating Web Site have included five special features. You can Learn immediately by reading through our expert articles, listen audio materials, watch video and download advanced learning materials. sells two important dating advice for adults. A highly-advanced e-Book on dating, The Flow: The Revolutionary 4-Step Process For Confidently Approaching Women and Getting Dates and a Real-life courses on how to meet and attract women. Both these resources helpful to young men who want to meet, attract and date with omen. customers include young men from different ethnic groups from Asian, Indian, American, English, European, Australian, New Zealander, Arabic etc. The quality of service helped them in getting them to become masters of their own dating lives.

Finding proper free dating advice may help you in finding your relations easy. You can also pass free dating advices to your new friends also.

Mario Fans have 3 New toys

Three new Mario toys have been released. The first which is above left stands 50cm tall and is Fire Mario statue. He is wearing the red plumber suit in this one. It will cost $215 when it is released. It will ship late November in 2007 (next month) and will ship worldwide.
The next Mario toy is the sound FX keychain which will certainly annoy those around you who do not appreciate who Mario is. It has noises such as the boing, level end, level start and when he dies. This could keep you entertained all day. It will set you back $5.99 over at ThinkGeek.

The last is the Mario air refresher which purifies the air around you. It measures 2.99 x 2.99 x 3.74 inches and costs $7.61.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Cordless Screwdriver Recharges in 90 Seconds

This cordless screwdriver is named the FlashCell from Coleman and has just a 90 second recharge time. It works by using a large capacitor to store the energy. This allows it to be charged quickly and will power it for enough time to screw in about 22 screws. This is lower then a regular battery powered screwdriver which can normally do around 37… but with the charge time being just 90 seconds rather then 30 minutes you will still get way more work done. It can charge around 500000 times which is a lot of screws! It will set you back $99 from